16 Must-Know French Abbreviations for Seamless Chatting

In the digital age, the art of texting has evolved to form a unique dialect, rich with abbreviations and symbols that streamline communication. As you delve deeper into the French language, text message slang becomes inevitable, especially if you’re someone who likes to save time! Grasping these French abbreviations isn’t just a shortcut to efficient texting; it’s an essential step toward fluency, offering a glimpse into the casual, everyday use of French that is often overlooked in traditional textbooks.

For today’s blog, we’ve curated a list of 15 indispensable French text message abbreviations. Familiarizing yourself with these will not only boost your texting efficiency but also enhance your understanding of contemporary French vocabulary.

1.  A+ (À Plus Tard)

Unlike its English connotation of excellence, A+ in French texting slang translates to “see you later” (à plus tard), indicating a casual farewell.

A+, mec.

“See you later, dude.”

2.  A2M1 (À Demain)

This French abbreviation might seem cryptic at first glance but it is actually a phonetic shortcut for “à demain,” meaning “see you tomorrow” in English.

A2M1, on se voit pour le café.

“See you tomorrow, we’ll meet for coffee.”

3.  BCP (Beaucoup)

The word “beaucoup” means “a lot” and is often abbreviated as BCP to streamline texts. It’s commonly used to express intensity, as in “JTM BCP” (I love you a lot).

Merci BCP pour ton aide!

“Thanks a lot for your help!”

4.  BJR (Bonjour)

This French text message abbreviation stands for “bonjour” or “hello/good day.” BJR serves as a brief greeting, similar to saying “hi” in English.

BJR! Tu vas bien?

“Hello! How are you?”

5.  CVR (À Ce Soir)

A way to say “see you tonight,” CVR abbreviates “à ce soir,” used when planning evening meetups or activities.

CVR pour le dîner?

“See you tonight for dinner?”

6.  DSL (Désolé)

Handy for apologetic moments, DSL is the shortened form of “désolé,” which means “sorry” in English.

DSL, je suis en retard.

“Sorry, I’m late.”

7.  JTM (Je T’aime)

One of the most widely used French abbreviations, JTM stands for “je t’aime,” translating to “I love you” in English, a must-have in the lexicon of love.

Tu me manques, JTM.

“I miss you, I love you.”

8.  MDR (Mort De Rire)

Equivalent to the English LOL, MDR translates to “dying of laughter,” which makes it the perfect reply to a great joke or meme.

Il a glissé, MDR!

“He slipped, LOL!”

9.  Mr6 (Merci)

Mr6 simply stands for “merci” or “thank you”.

Mr6 pour le cadeau!

“Thank you for the gift!”

10.   NRV (Énervé)

This abbreviation is used to express frustration or anger, standing for “énervé,” which means “annoyed” or “upset.”

Ce bruit me rend NRV.

“This noise is making me annoyed.”

11.   6né (Ciné)

Ideal for planning movie outings, 6né phonetically mimics “ciné,” shorthand for cinema or movie theater, in French texting.

On va au 6né ce soir?

“Are we going to the cinema tonight?”

12.   PDP (Photo De Profil)

This French text message abbreviation stands for “profile picture.” It’s used when referring to someone’s display picture on social media or in messaging apps.

J’adore ta nouvelle PDP.

“I love your new profile picture.”

13.  PK (Pourquoi)

While not phonetically intuitive, PK stands for “pourquoi,” meaning “why” in English, simplifying queries in digital conversations.

PK tu ne viens pas?

“Why aren’t you coming?”

14.  QT (C’est Trop)

QT is a shorthand for “c’est trop,” translating to “that’s too much” or “that’s a lot,” often used to express astonishment or overwhelm.

Ce prix, c’est QT!

“That price is too much!”

15.  TLT (Tout Le Temps)

Signifying “all the time,” TLT is used to emphasize frequency or constancy in actions or feelings.

Il parle de toi TLT.

“He talks about you all the time.”

16. CBR (Crampé Ben Raide)

CBR stands for “crampé ben raide,” a uniquely Quebecois meaning “kneeling over with laughter. This abbreviation contrasts with its European French equivalent, “dcdr” (“décédé de rire”, dead from laughter) used in France for a similar sentiment.

Je suis CBR à cause de cette blague!

“I’m keeling over with laughter because of that joke!”

Wrapping up our dive into French text message abbreviations, we’ve seen that French is as flexible and playful as English. If you’re excited to dive deeper into French, there’s no better way than learning with someone who’s grown up speaking it.

At Language Trainers, we connect you with native French speakers as instructors. Why? Because they bring the real feel of the language into your lessons. By taking one of our French conversation courses in Montreal or wherever you happen to live. you’ll learn how to chat like a local, get the pronunciation just right, and even pick up on cultural tidbits that make learning French a lot more fun. Plus, it’s a great way to prepare for real-life conversations, whether you’re texting or chatting in person.

So, if you’re keen on going beyond French abbreviations and really getting to grips with French, come learn French at Language Trainers and let us make your French learning journey exciting and authentic.