
Languages for Real Estate Buyers

We offer Real Estate Buying language courses for individuals who are buying property in a country where their language is not spoken.

Buying real estate in another country is probably one of the most important investments in your life and it would make perfect sense for you to know as much of the language possible. This could include:

  • Reading basic property advertisements for when you do your basic research so that you won’t be limited to English-only websites. See what the locals are paying.

  • Understanding the legalese of contracts and small print and be able to do your own research into the laws and norms of the country you are buying into.

  • Learning about taxes and other charges that are common in the place where you are buying.

  • Prepare for when you actually own the property and have to deal with local tradesmen, builders, doormen, plumbers, electricians, drivers, mechanics, domestic employees, and neighbours, most of whom will not speak any English.

For most people, the only other alternative is to use an English-speaking realtor to help you through the process. That is a good decision in any case, but remember that if you are able to follow the language where you are buying, you can double check what your realtor is telling you, see what the locals charge, and are paying.

The important thing here is that our trainers can help focus specifically in these areas that you need to know as well as on General language so that you get the most out of the limited time you have available to study. We can also arrange language training for your spouse, partner, or children if you feel that they might need to learn English or any other language. Let us know what you think their needs might be so we can send you a quotation within one business day.

Let us know when you make your inquiry that you might require Real Estate Buying training.

Interesting Language Facts
Nearly 7 million Canadians learn French as their first language.
Bilingual students have a deeper understanding of the structure of language and are more literate than monolinguals.

Case Studies: Clients

“We wanted to come to Peru with the confidence we could have small conversations with the people here. We knew that not only would it be helpful, but it would also enhance our experience and make us get more out of the trip”

Tarran Kent-Hume & Olie Hunter Smart Spanish course in Amsterdam, , Tarran Kent-Hume and Olie Hunter Smart are two adrenaline-seeking adventurers who have dared to take on the western hemisphere’s longest and largest river, the Amazon. For five months, the two will be kayaking the 6,500 kilometer course of this gigantic, unpredictable river. While planning the adventure, the two enrolled in a 10-session online class with Language Trainers to learn Spanish before heading to South America. We caught up with them to chat about their trip and their experience with our online Spanish course.